Easepay for Individuals

Simple and powerful.
Just like bitcoin.

Easepay is a self-custodial wallet for bitcoin and lightning.


Take control of your Bitcoin with Easepay

With our non-custodial bitcoin-lightning wallet, you have full control over your funds. Say goodbye to third-party custodians and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with self custody
Lightning fast payments

Experience the power of bitcoin-lightning

Our Bitcoin-lightning wallet is designed to provide you with a secure and seamless experience. Send and receive Bitcoin instantly with multi-sig capabilities for added security.
Easy to use
Seamless integration
Privacy & security

Scan and pay with bitcoin

Make all payments from a single balance. One wallet, one way.

Your bitcoin, safer than ever

Create a back-up to safely access your wallet if you change your phone.
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Cold recovery code
Cold recovery code

Use a randomly-generated code written on paper.

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Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor Authentication

Use your email, password and recovery code